Influences of adsorptions of some inorganic molecules on electronic, optical, and thermodynamic properties of Mg12O12 nanocage: A computational approach
Hesari Asghar Mohammadi, Shamlouei Hamid Reza
Chemistry Department, Lorestan University, Khorram Abad, Lorestan, Iran


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According to density functional theory, we investigate the effects of BF3, BF4, BCl3, AlF3, AlCl3, AlBr3, BeF3, GaF3, GaCl3, GaBr3, NO3, BS2, BSO, BO2, F2, PF5, PCl5, and ASF5 molecules on the geometric, electronic, linear, and nonlinear optical properties of an Mg12O12 nanocage. The thermodynamic stability and feasibility of the adsorption process are investigated by analyzing the free energy. It is shown that the adsorptions of almost all molecules on the Mg12O12 surface are exothermic. The calculations of the polarizability of these nanoclusters show that among the studied molecules, BeF3 has the largest influence on the polarizability value (α ≈ 315 a.u., the unit a.u. is short for atomic unit). The static first hyperpolarizability (β0) value is increased in the presence of these superhalogens. This increase is greatest for BeF3 and BF4 of which the highest value of the first hyperpolarizability (β0 ≈ 5775 a.u.) is related to a BeF3c(e@Mg12O12) nanocluster. The adsorption position is a key to estimating the value of increasing the first hyperpolarizability.

PACS: 42.70.Mp
1. Introduction

Nonlinear optics (NLO) is a branch of optics that describes the nonlinear relationship between dielectric polarization P and electric field E. Nonlinear optical materials have been the subject of broad research in the past few decades because of their potential applications in technological applications such as optical switching, signal processing, information storage, optical communication, laser technology, and chemical and biological species detection.[1,2]

The systematic study of the NLO properties really become possible since the invention of the laser. The first nonlinear optical laser experiment was performed by Franken et al. by using a ruby laser. They discovered the second harmonic generation (SHG), in which nonlinear optical material mediates the adding-up of two photons with the same frequency to form a new photon with twice the frequency.[3] The NLO susceptibility χ(2) describes the SHG process. The χ(2) is a third-rank tensor with 27 components and is related to the first hyperpolarizability β of a molecule.

In recent decades extensive studies have been conducted to develop new compounds with high NLO response and meet the technological requirements for various applications.[414]

In our previous research, we found that the alkali metal oxide adsorption on a Mg12O12 nanocage leads to a huge static first hyperpolarizability.[15] In another work, we showed that the first hyperpolarizability value increases by substituting a magnesium atom of a Mg12O12 nanocage with a transition metal atom.[16] The influences of Sc doping on the optical properties of Be12O12, Mg12O12, and Ca12O12 nanocages were investigated.[17] The effects of superalkalis M3O (M = Li, Na, and K) on the nonlinear optical properties of C20 fullerene nanoclusters[18] and Be12O12 nanocage[19] have been studied.

In this paper, we theoretically study the effects of adsorbing some inorganic molecules on structures, energetic, electronic, thermodynamic, and the linear and nonlinear optical properties of an Mg12O12 nanocage.

2. Computational details

Structural optimizations for the ground state of an Mg12O12 nanocage and XYn(e@Mg12O12; (XYn = BF3, BF4, BCl3, AlF3, AlCl3, AlBr3, BeF3, GaF3, GaCl3, GaBr3, NO3, BS2, BSO, BO2, F2, PF5, and PCl5, ASF5) were performed by using the density functional method, the unrestricted B3LYP,[20,21] and 6-31+G(d) basis sets. All the calculations converged to an optimized geometry, which corresponds to a true energy minimum as revealed by the lack of imaginary values in the calculated vibration frequencies. Vibration frequencies are calculated at the same level. All the structural optimizations were performed without any symmetry constraints with the Gaussian 09 package.[22] A GaussSum program has been used to calculate the electronic density of states (DOS). The energy gap (Eg) that refers to the energy difference between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) was calculated from the density of states.

The coulomb-attenuating hybrid exchange-correlation functional method (CAM-B3LYP) with 6-31+G(d) basis sets was used to calculate the dipole moment, polarizability, and first hyperpolarizability.[23] A natural bond orbital (NBO) charge analysis was performed at the same level for all optimized structures.

In a constant and weak electric field the total energy of the system can be expressed as follows:[24,25]

Here, E0 is the molecular energy of the system in the absence of an electric field and Fα is the electric field component along the α direction, is the permanent dipole moment, ααβ is the static dipole polarizability (linear polarizability), βαβγ and γαβγδ are the first and second hyperpolarizabilities respectively, with indices α, β, γ, δ, … referring to the Einstein summation of distinct tensor components.

The definitions of the total dipole moment (μ), mean polarizability (α), and magnitude of static first hyperpolarizability (β0) are as follows:[5,26,27]

3. Results and discussion
3.1. Geometric structure and thermodynamic properties

The optimized ground-state geometry of Mg12O12 is shown in Fig. 1, and the selected bond lengths and bond angles are also depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. (color online) Optimized ground-state geometries of Mg12O12. In the figure, and represent O and Mg, respectively.

An Mg12O12 nanocage is formed from eight 6-member (6-MR) rings and six 4-member (4-MR) rings. There are two distinct Mg–O bonds in the Mg12O12 nanocage, one is shared by two 6-MR rings (B66) and the other by a 4-MR ring and a 6-MR ring (B46) where their lengths are 1.90 Å and 1.95 Å respectively, which is compatible with previous results.[16,28]

The optimized ground-state geometries for XYn(e@Mg12O12) where XYn = BF3, BF4, BCl3, AlF3, AlCl3, AlBr3, BeF3, GaF3, GaCl3, GaBr3, NO3, BS2, BSO, BO2, F2, PF5, PCl5, and ASF5 are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. (color online) Optimized ground-state geometries of Mg12O12 and, XYn(e@Mg12O12) (XYn = BF3, BF4, BCl3, AlF3, AlCl3, AlBr3, BeF3, GaF3, GaCl3, GaBr3, NO3, BS2, BSO, BO2, F2, PF5, PCl5, ASF5). , , , , , , , , , , and represent the O, Mg, B, F, Cl, Al, Be, Ga, N, P, and As atoms, respectively.

In order to determine the thermodynamic feasibility of the adsorption process, the changes of Gibbs free energy (ΔG0), the entropy ΔS0, and the enthalpy (ΔH0) are all obtained at standard temperature and pressure (1.0 atmosphere and 298.15 K) from the vibrational frequency calculation results. The ΔG0 is the fundamental criterion to determine whether a process occurs spontaneously. For a given temperature, a process is considered to be spontaneous if the ΔG0 has a negative value. Moreover, if ΔH0 is positive, the process is endothermic and if it is negative, the process is exothermic. These results are presented in Table 1.

The results of Table 1 show that ΔG0 values are all negative except for F2−a(e@Mg12O12), F2−b(e@Mg12O12), and PCl5−b(e@Mg12O12). The negative value of ΔG0 indicates the feasibility and spontaneous nature of the adsorption process, and also the negative value of ΔH indicates that the adsorption of superhalogens on Mg12O12 nanocage is exothermic.

Table 1.

Calculated values of energy gap Eg (in unit eV), the energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital EHOMO (in unit eV), the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital ELUMO (in unit eV), the binding energy Eb (in units kcal/mol), entropy change ΔS (in units cal/mol), free energy ΔG (in units kcal/mol), and enthalpy change ΔH (in units kcal/mol).


The values of ΔG0 for F2−a(e@Mg12O12), F2−b(e@Mg12O12), and PCl5−b(e@Mg12O12) are all positive and this can be explained with a small amount of binding energy (Table 1).

3.2. Electronic and optical property

The values of energy gap Eg, which corresponds to the difference between the energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) are listed in Table 1. Mg12O12 nanocage is an intrinsic semiconductor with Eg = 4.8 eV. The plots of the calculated electronic densities of states (DOSs) for all mentioned structures are depicted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. (color online) Plots of the densities of states for Mg12O12 and XYn(e@Mg12O12 (XYn = BF3, BF4, BCl3, AlF3, AlCl3, AlBr3, BeF3, GaF3, GaCl3, GaBr3, NO3, BS2, BSO, BO2, F2, PF5, PCl5, and ASF5). The red curve denotes the total DOS spectrum (scaled by 0.5), the blue curve represents the alpha DOS spectrum, and the green curve refers to the beta DOS spectrum. Eg is the energy gap.

In some structures, such as GaBr3−a(e@Mg12O12) and GaBr3−b(e@Mg12O12, the value of EHOMO goes up while the ELUMO is almost constant, so the value of energy gap Eg decreases. In some other structures, the main reason for Eg decreasing is the displacement of the ELUMO energy downward and EHOMO is almost constant. In some of these structures, Eg is constant. In Fig. 4, the variation trends of energy gap Eg, EHOMO, and ELUMO of all nanostructures are illustrated in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. (color online) Plots of Eg, ELUMO, and EHOMO for nanostructures based on Mg12O12.

Further, the values of dipole moment, polarizability, and hyperpolarizability for all above-mentioned structures are calculated by the CAM-B3LYP method. The values of the dipole moment, polarizability, and hyperpolarizability of nanostructures are presented in Table 2.

The results in Table 2 indicate that for all of the studied cases the dipole moment μ is considerably increased except for the systems F2−a(e@Mg12O12) and F2−b(e@Mg12O12) in which the values of μ are both nearly zero. This property can be explained with nearly zero charge on the F2 molecule (Table 2).

Table 2.

Values of permanent dipole moment μ (in unit a.u.), polarizability α (in unit a.u.), first hyperpolarizability β0 (in unit a.u.), and q for the systems considered in this work.


The results in Table 2 show that by the adsorption of mentioned molecules on the Mg12O12 surface, in all cases, the polarizability value increases. Several trends are evident for polarizability in Table 2. First, the polarizability increases in the same configuration as GaF3(e@Mg12 O12) > AlF3(e@Mg12O12) > BF3 (e@Mg12O12). This trend can be explained by the fact that in each group of the periodic table, the polarizability increases from top to bottom, the polarizability of the Ga atom is greater than those of Al and B. The polarizability increases in the same configuration as AlBr3(e@Mg12 O12) > AlCl3(e@Mg12 O12) > AlF3(e@Mg12 O12). Similarly, this trend can be explained as previously discussed (i.e., the amount of polarizability increases with the replacement of atoms in the lower row of the periodic table). Second, from left to right across a row of the periodic table, polarizability decreases (BeF3(e@Mg12 O12) > BF3(e@Mg12 O12)).

Like polarizability, the results indicate that as a consequence of adsorption of all selected molecules on the Mg12O12 surface, the first hyperpolarizability value is increased. The quantities that β increases in these systems are very different, which depend on the type of adsorbing molecules and the adsorption geometry. It is clearly shown that the locations of the mentioned molecule adsorption on the Mg12O12 for all XYn(e@Mg12O12) nanoclusters play an important role in increasing the calculated value of first hyperpolarizability (β0). For example, first hyperpolarizability values of BO2(e@Mg12O12) in a and b conformation are 17.0 a.u. and 3935.9 a.u., respectively.

4. Conclusions

In this work, we have studied the influences of adsorptions of some inorganic molecules on the electronic, optical, and thermodynamic properties of Mg12O12 nanocage by using the DFT method. The main results of this research can be summarized as follows.

(i) It is shown that almost all considered molecules each have an exothermic adsorption energy on the Mg12O12 surface.

(ii) The effects of XYn molecules on the energy gap of the nanocage depend on the type of molecule and the position of adsorption.

(iii) For all studied systems, with the increase of adsorption of molecules the polarizability value increases.

(iv) The effects of adsorbing molecules on the polarizability depend on the type of molecule and the adsorption geometry, and it is shown that the polarizability increases in the same configuration as GaF3(e@Mg12O12) > AlF3(e@Mg12O12) > BF3(e@Mg12O12) and increases for the similar structures as BeF3(e@Mg12O12) > BF3(e@Mg12O12.

(v) Additionally it is shown that the first hyperpolarizability value increases in each of all studied cases. Like the Eg and polarizability results, the value of the first hyperpolarizability depends on the type of adsorbing molecule and the adsorption geometry, however the sensitivity of hyperpolarizability to adsorption position is higher, and it is a key to estimating the value of increasing the first hyperpolarizability.

(vi) The large values of β0 for the systems studied above suggest that these compounds may have potential applications in NLO materials.

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